Over 2 decades in print, digital, radio, TV that has given me skills as a storyteller, writer, producer, editor, project manager, pop culture guru and more . . .
Real Housewives of Orange County reunion recap: Season 11, Episode 21
We made it. After 21 crazy episodes (that’s including these three brutal reunions), we’ve officially made it to the end of the 11th season of the Real Housewives of Orange County. And you know what they say — you gotta save the best for last — and tonight’s third round of low blows, confessions, and screaming matches did not disappoint.
Real Housewives of Orange County recap: Season 11, Episode 20
And we’re back for part two of the Real Housewives of Orange County reunion craziness. It’s astounding to me that even with the cameras rolling and with footage proving their deepest regrets that they’ll still deny or lie whenever it suits Kelly and Vicki them all best.
Real Housewives of Orange County Recap: Season 11, Episode 19
It’s been a Real Housewives of Orange County season for the history books! Vicki was thisclose to making Cancer-gate a distant memory and if it wasn’t for her new pal with the loose lips Kelly Dodd, she may have been successful! From the ‘70s party “set up” to the accident in Glammis Dunes … IVF, a vow renewal, and Tamra’s newfound voice of reason . . .
Real Housewives of Orange County finale recap: Season 11, Episode 18
Before we dive into tonight’s season finale recap, it’s only appropriate we take stock of all the changes that’ve gone down over the past 17 episodes. Tamra, as big a sh-t stirrer as she is, has actually become RHOC’s forgiving voice of reason (thank you, Jesus!) Plus, her body has never been more banging.
Real Housewives of Orange County recap: Season 11, Episode 17
Here we are, folks — just one episode away from the finale and we’ve basically come full circle. Heather is still looking down on Kelly and not having any of her BS; Tamra is still stuck in the middle of all the drama (even though she’s stirring the pot); Shannon is still mad at Vicki; Meghan is pregnant, so she’s gotten a free pass from most of this season . . .
Real Housewives of Orange County recap: Season 11, Episode 16
It’s tough to know where to begin with this episode because the only thing that matters, the thing that’s guaranteed to change the relationships and alliances (and lack thereof) among these women forever, happens in the end. Yet, it’s only fair to explain what gets us there first. Buckle up because we’re nose-diving.
Real Housewives of Orange County Recap: Season 11, Episode 15
I have to be honest, it’s taken me a bit to process what happened on tonight’s episode because an unspoken law in Housewives land was shattered. And, of course, it had to happen while the women were whooping it up on vacation in Ireland — so I’m not sure if rule breaker Kelly thought that meant things don’t count on international soil?
Real Housewives of Orange County Recap: Season 11, Episode 14
I think — though not totally sure — that Vicki has taken a page out of the Donald Trump playbook of idle threats. You know how the Donald tried to scare Hillary Clinton during the debates last week with the schoolyard tactic of “well, I could say something really bad about you that will really embarrass you but I won’t… or maybe I will… just don’t piss me ...
Real Housewives of Orange County recap: Season 11, Episode 13
I feel like tonight was a time to really sit back and take stock of where some of the ladies are in their lives, how their relationships play into that, and what it means for them emotionally. For starters, it’s lovely to see Tamra and Eddie together.
Real Housewives of Orange County recap: Season 11, Episode 12
We learned some unexpected new things about the ladies of the OC in “Stage Moms and Dropped Bombs.” For starters, who knew that Shannon’s daughters were in their own little rock & roll band, aptly called “Lock – Ladies of Rock”?
Real Housewives of Orange County recap: Shock and Roll
This was an episode unlike any other in Real Housewives franchise history. But let’s get some housekeeping out of the way before we dive into Tamra’s weekend of camping and dune-buggy driving in Glamis for Eddie’s birthday.
Real Housewives of Orange County recap: Woo Hoo Weekend
Maybe it’s just me, but this episode of RHOC was like the equivalent of “opposite day” that gets declared out of nowhere on playgrounds at elementary schools everywhere. Shannon and David are blissed out on their second honeymoon in Mexico, as if the past two years never occurred and there was nary an affair for them to have overcome.
Real Housewives of Orange County recap: Season 11, Episode 8
Let’s be honest: The ladies of the OC are still reeling from Kelly’s crazy outbursts at Meghan’s “night before getting knocked up” party that included an appearance from the c-word. Offensive? Yes. Crude? Totally. Worrisome? 100 percent. But worthy of Heather scolding Kelly like a school girl and leaving the party sobbing?
Real Housewives of Orange County recap: Season 11, Episode 7
The common denominator on tonight’s crazy train of an episode is that Jesus has yet to teach Tamra how to stop stirring the pot. Because, well, you know what they say… No good deed goes unpunished, and in this case, I’m talking about the ensuing drama.
Real Housewives of Orange County recap: Frenemies of the State
I’ve deemed this Real Housewives episode a palate cleanser. Not a lot happened, but it set up the drama to come à la the fallout from last week’s cuckoo-for-Cocoa-Puffs ‘70s party. Lest you forget, Kelly called David a pedophile AND announced to the party that it was no wonder he cheated on Shannon.